
To e-mail, click on the officer's name

Seneschal badgeSeneschal

Mistress Rebecca with The Greyhound

Position open.
E-mail Seneschal Mistress Rebecca with The Greyhound for information.

Official leader of the Incipient Shire of Northover. Responsible for Coordinating the activities and events, as well as as overseeing the officers.

Arts & Sciences Minister badgeArts & Sciences Minister

Brenna McGill

Lady Sophia Orsini de Firenze

Coordinate classes for teaching and practicing Medival Arts and Sciences. Under this category falls everything from art work, making armor, textile creation, creating foods, drinks, and clothing, plus much more.

Chatelaine badgeChatelaine

Countess Mary Grace (Temporarily occupied with other duties - please contact our Seneschal)

Emma Carnahan

Welcomes new Members to the Shire - contact if you are interested in information about The Shire of Northover.

Children's Minister badgeChildren's Minister

Lady Gwenllian Emelyn

Deputy: Position is open please contact Gwenllian Emelyn for information.

Overseer of children's activities for the group.

Chirurgeon badgeChirurgeon

Lady Alsinda de Rochabaron


Responsible for administering first aid when needed.

Chronicler badgeChronicler

Position open. E-mail Seneschal Mistress Rebecca with The Greyhound for information.

Ailenor du Cortenay

Publishes group newsletter & event calendar.

College of Gleann Abhann Officer badgeCollege of Gleann Abhann Officer

THL Rebecca with the Greyhound

Provost for College of Gleann Abhann

Figher Marshals badgeFighter Marshals

Baron Shaul ben Yisrael of Poznan' (called Shoiel)

Warranted to ensure all safety and combat standards for fighting are followed by the participants for all Shire sponsored fighting and combat activies. Also, responsible for training and insuring the safety of training sessions.

Heavy Fighter Marshal: Baron Shaul ben Yisrael of Poznan' (called Shoiel)

Warranted to ensure all safety and combat standards for heavy fighting are followed by the participants for all Shire sponsored heavy fighting activies.

Rapier Marshal: Baron Shaul ben Yisrael of Poznan' (called Shoiel)

Warranted to ensure all safety and combat standards for rapier fighting are followed by the participants for all Shire sponsored rapier activities.

Archery Marshal:Lady Richenda de Braundeston

Warranted to ensure all safety standards for archery are followed by the participants for all Shire sponsored archery activities.

Historian badgeHistorian

Position open. E-mail Seneschal Mistress Rebecca with The Greyhound for information.

Deputy: Position open. E-mail Seneschal Mistress Rebecca with The Greyhound for information.

Records the activities and events of the group.

Reeve badgeReeve

Lady Richenda de Braundeston

Deputy: Lady Alsinda de Rochabaron

Treasurer of the Shire of Northover. Responsible for all outgoing and incoming funds.

Poursuivant (Herald) badgePoursuivant (Herald)

Position open. E-mail Seneschal Mistress Rebecca with The Greyhound for information.

Responsible administration and onomastics.

Deputy: Baron Shaul ben Yisrael of Poznan' (called Shoiel)

Responsible for field, court, event heraldry, public announcements and devices.

Web Minister badgeWeb Minister

Deirdre de Manesfeld

Responsible for maintaining and designing the Shire of Northover's official website.

Links to Other Groups The Society for Creative Anachronism
The Kingdom of Gleann Abhann
Barony of Axemoor: Our neighbors to the South in the Greater New Orleans Area
Barony of Seleone: Our neighbors to the East in the Mississippi Gulf Coast Region
Sire of Wyrmgeist: Our neighbors to the West in the Baton Rouge Area
Shire of Iron Ox: Our neighbors to the Northwest in the Jackson, Mississippi Area
Shire of Dragoun's Weal: Our neighbors to the North in the Hattisburg, Mississippi Area
Red staff with orb

This is the recognized Web Page for the Incipient Shire of Northover of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. The maintainer of this page is Deirdre de Manesfeld. This site may contain electronic versions of the group's governing documents. Any discrepancies between the electronic version of any information on this site and the printed version that is available from the originating office will be decided in favor of the printed version.

Copyright © 2005 Incipient Shire of Northover. The original contributors retain the copyright of certain portions of this site. For information on using photographs, articles, or artwork from this website, please contact the web minister Deirdre de Manesfeld, who will assist you in contacting the original creator of the piece. Please respect the legal rights of our contributors.

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vine of flowers